Significance of Equinoxes and Solstices in stock market

Published on 2023-06-08 23:10:49

The Equinoxes and Solstices are astronomical events that mark significant points in Earth's orbit around the Sun.

An Equinox occurs at the start of the spring and fall. It occurs on March 21 (Vernal equinox) and on September 23 (Autumnal equinox). On these dates, day and night are of equal length.

The Solstice occurs during the summer and the winter. It occurs on June 21 (Summer Solstice - it is the longest day of the year) and on Dec 22 (Winter Solstice - it is the shortest day of the year).

Because equinox and solstice are the important events in our solar system hence it may impact on the stock market too. We have seen the Trend Reversal in past around these dates. However, decision can not be taken based on these dates alone, we need to consider other factors and technical parameters to decide the expected market trend.

e.g., In the current situation market is in up trend since last few months and now we are almost at equinox or solstice date along with the index which is near at strong resistance, so it's the time of cautious because trend reversal may possible from near 21st June.
